Section NameSection Number
Definitions§ 11B-101
Applicability of title and Sections 11B-105 through 11B-108 and 11B-110§ 11B-102
Variance of title's provisions and waiver of rights conferred thereby, and evasion of title's requirements, limitations, or prohibitions prohibited§ 11B-103
Building code or zoning laws, ordinances, and regulations to be given full force and effect; local laws, ordinances, or regulations; alternative dispute resolution§ 11B-104
Initial sale of lots in developments containing more than 12 lots§ 11B-105
Resale of lot; initial sale of lot in development containing 12 or fewer lots§ 11B-106
Responsibility for maintenance, repair, and replacement of common elements§ 11B-106.1
Sale of common elements§ 11B-106.2
Initial sale of lot not intended to be occupied or rented for residential purposes§ 11B-107
Cancellation of contract§ 11B-108
Untrue statements or omissions by vendor§ 11B-109
Warranties; notice of defect§ 11B-110
Meetings of homeowners association or its governing body§ 11B-111
Family child care homes - No-impact home-based businesses§ 11B-111.1
Candidate or proposition sign§ 11B-111.2
Distribution of written information and materials§ 11B-111.3
Meetings§ 11B-111.4
Court appointment of receiver§ 11B-111.5
Fidelity insurance§ 11B-111.6
Number of declarant votes§ 11B-111.7
Electric vehicle recharging equipment§ 11B-111.8
Composting§ 11B-111.9
[Effective 10/1/2022] Dispute settlement mechanism§ 11B-111.10
Books and records of homeowners association; disclosures to be deposited into depository§ 11B-112
Late charges§ 11B-112.1
Annual budget§ 11B-112.2
Reserve study requirement§ 11B-112.3
Homeowners association depository§ 11B-113
Electronic transmission of notice§ 11B-113.1
Electronic transmission of votes or proxies§ 11B-113.2
Deletion of ownership restrictions based on race, religion, or national origin§ 11B-113.3
Annual charge§ 11B-113.4
Annexation of land in Howard County§ 11B-113.5
Meetings held by Electronic means§ 11B-113.6
Electronic payment fees§ 11B-114
Enforcement authority of Division of Consumer Protection§ 11B-115
Enforcement by Division of Consumer Protection§ 11B-115.1
Amendment of governing document§ 11B-116
Liability for homeowners association assessments and charges on lots§ 11B-117
Short title§ 11B-118